We often hear, people say-Life is not a Bed of Roses and more often than not, our daily struggles of life make us believe this theory. Let me take you through a story, about a woman named Arunima Sinha.

On the night of 12th April 2011, Arunima Sinha was boarding the night train from Lucknow and She was not aware that this journey will change her life completely. 

During her journey in train, A group of robbers entered her coach and started harassing & threatening all the passengers to steal their money and precious belongings that they were carrying. When Robbers approached Arunima, she resisted giving her gold chain and her handbag having ample amount of Cash. In the struggle that began between Robbers & Arunima, they pushed Arunima out of the moving train. As she was lying on the railway tracks and was trying to get herself away from main tracks, she witnessed another train coming. In the next few seconds before she could get herself totally off the track, the train passed by and her left leg got crushed over. This whole incidence led to serious leg injuries and pelvic assaults to her.

In order to save her life and stopping the toxicity spread to various body parts, the team of Doctors operating on her, had to ampute her leg. On waking up next day after operation, Arunima realized her physical disability. Her entire family was in sadness by this tragic incident. Since her childhood, Arunima had dreamt to be pioneer mountaineer and hoist the Indian National flag on top most peak of continent. This incident which must have shattered the dreams and spirit of any common person did not break Arunima’s spirit.

She decided to not let her physical disability become a challenge and obstacle in the pathway of her dreams. In 2011, She went up for training under Bachendri Pal- The woman who was graced with the accomplishment to be first Indian woman ever to climb Mount Everest.


Arunima kept on learning & struggling day and night with her stubborn determination and never say die spirit. In starting of year 2013, As Arunima began her journey to reach Mount Everest, many of people around her raised suspicion and said it is impossible. But in next few months, all of them had to witness the making of impossible- POSSIBLE. In May 2013, Arunima Sinha became the first ever Indian Amputee to climb the Mount Everest. She accomplished her childhood dream and brough India pride by raising the National flag on top most peak of the continent. Till now, Arunima Sinha has climbed seven peaks and last year, in January 2019,she completed her final summit of Mount Vinson in Antarctica.


So, this story which I narrated, is about the valour and Determination of all "WOMEN OF STEEL". Those who teach us, no calamity & no circumstances are bigger than power of your Dreams. All the obstacles that come in our way are a test of God given to us to test our patience, will power and dedication towards our Goals. What matters most is your spirit to Fight and Survive against all odds. Nothing is impossible if you believe in yourself. So, keep on Going and Be the “HERO” that world looks up to..!!!!



